Questions? Email us at
Question: Can anyone come to a PTA meeting?
Answer: Yes! We encourage every parent or guardian to come to meetings. We discuss PTA events, budgets, safety updates, news and much more. You can learn a lot at a PTA meeting! There are two night time meetings, one in September and one in May for the annual election. The other morning meetings are held every other month in the media center. We often have coffee and muffins, so please join us!
Question: If I join PTA or attend a PTA meeting, will I automatically get “volunteered” to do something?
Answer: No! Becoming a member does not mean you automatically sign up to volunteer, it just means you support our group and believe in what we’re doing. We promise we will not assign you a job, but you might want one after you hear the exciting things that we’re doing and how much of an impact you can make on the school. We also want to hear voices from all grades, new and old families…everyone!
Question: Why do I have to renew my PTA membership every year?
Answer: Your PTA membership dues are crucial to maintaining quality educational and enrichment programs at Plantation Park Elementary.PPE PTA is part of the National Parent Teacher Association that strives to enhance children’s educational experiences. Being part of a national organization, we must pay annual dues. To offset these dues, every year, we have a membership drive.
All parents and caregivers, along with school faculty can be members, for only $8 for the first person and $6 for each additional family member!Memberships can be purchased online at Please enroll or renew your membership for 2019-2020. Joining PTA is an easy way to support PPE! To join the PTA or renew your dues, click here.
Question: How do I volunteer?
Answer: Volunteering is simple and fun! To learn more about becoming a PPE volunteer, click here.
Question: How do I become a Room Parent?
Answer: Becoming a Room Parent at PPE is easy and a great way to be involved in your student’s educational journey. Many teachers allow volunteers during educational instruction or classroom activities. Visit our Room Parent section to learn more.