Do you shop on Amazon? Visit smile.amazon.com and type in “Plantation Park Elem PTA” or simply use this URL: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/59-2352510 Select it just once, and then every time you shop on Amazon, use the smile.amazon.com website (instead of just amazon.com). Plantation Park Elementary PTA will be gifted 5% of your purchase totals. It really adds up!


What is PPE PTA’s unique Amazon Smile link?

What does this unique link do?
Click on the school’s unique AmazonSmile link to skip the “Plantation Park Elem PTA” search process. Instead, you’ll be taken to smile.amazon.com and are automatically asked if you want to support Plantation Park Elem PTA.

Can I just search for Plantation Park Elem PTA at smile.amazon.com?
Yes. However, that makes it harder for you to find and select Plantation Park Elem PTA. There are over 1 million eligible charities and you may end up picking a different organization during the selection process.

Do I have to click on my Plantation Park Elem PTA’s AmazonSmile link every time I shop?
No. Once you select your organization, you will receive 5% of the price of all eligible smile.amazon.com purchases, regardless of whether you use your unique AmazonSmile link to return to the site. However, we recommend that you bookmark and use the unique link so you don’t accidentally shop at www.amazon.com instead of smile.amazon.com. Only purchases made at smile.amazon.com are eligible for donations.

What will I see if I’ve already selected Plantation Park Elem PTA and then click on my organization’s unique link?
If you are already supporting your organization and you click on your unique link, you will simply be taken to smile.amazon.com so you can start shopping. You  do not have to re-select Plantation Park Elem PTA. If someone supporting a different charity clicks on your charity link, they are asked if they’d like to switch to support your organization.

How can I share Plantation Park Elem PTA’s unique AmazonSmile link with supporters?
Share the unique link — http://smile.amazon.com/ch/59-2352510— on your website, in email, and on social media.