Hello Plantation Park Families!
This is your principal, Dr. Ingrid Osgood. This call comes to inform you about technology distribution for students in Grades 1 – 5, in preparation for our school reopening on Wednesday, August 19th.
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, I wish to extend to you a very warm welcome to this school year. While the start of this school year district-wide is different from all the others, we remain committed to ensuring your child has the best possible learning experience with us.
We want to be sure that your child is equipped with the technology needed to begin the school year. Therefore, if your child’s district-issued laptop is broken, is in need of repair, or if your child was not issued a district laptop, please call our school at 754-323-7150 to make arrangements to have your child’s needs met.
Again, we look forward to the start of our school year with you on Wednesday, August 19th. Have a great day!